An Adaptive Space for Dressing

Opencase combines the beauty and substance of architectural wall paneling with flexible functional features that change the way it feels to live in our homes.

The evolutionary history of Opencase began over a glass of wine and the ensuing conversation centered on how to store bottles of it at a client’s project in Mexico City. The discussion continued and Opencase was born. It was a natural extension of Henrybuilt’s new integrated system approach focused on living - using materials that are elemental and creating spaces that are adaptable.
Opencase naturally expanded into those areas of our homes that require adaptability. Mudrooms, gear rooms, kids’ rooms, pantries, and entries. Spaces we use often and differently from season to season, and over time. The system is a chameleon of sorts, with a growing stable of pieces that enable our walls to change as our needs do. Sometimes within the same day.

In response to growing demands on our wardrobes - from what’s in them to how we use them - Opencase has stepped in with a new collection of pieces specially designed for this space. Meet Drift, designed to make dressing more pleasurable.
Designed for Storage Flexibility

When we trade dress shirts for T-shirts, mini skirts for maxi’s, kid sizes for adult ones - storage needs change. But, our spaces typically don’t. Cajoling, rolling, and, worse yet, having to commute to a different room for storage, adds friction to daily living. To coin an old phrase, the only constant is change. Flexibility is key. And, rebuilding a wardrobe on a regular basis isn’t a viable (or responsible or sustainable) option.

The new pieces in the Drift group can be added and arranged using the built-in tool of our own two hands, further enhancing the chameleon-like attributes of the Opencase wall system. It enables our storage to support our needs rather than the other way around.
Designed for Dressing

Beyond storage, the Drift collection is designed to help you dress. A valet de chambre of sorts.
A staging piece for trousers, scarves, and other precious pieces.
Solid wood trays keep clothing easily visible and accessible, rather than buried.
Rich leather pockets place personal items in easy reach.
The dressing mirror can move about the room without putting its feet on the floor.
Above: Clothing hampers, tucked inside a Cubby drawer clad in brass. Even these more ‘permanent’ feeling pieces can move between panels.

Drift incorporates materials that are gentle to the eye, as well as to our hand and our clothing. Wood, leather, and brass dominate. Opencase cloth-bound storage boxes and powdercoat shelves can also be incorporated. One system. Nearly unlimited combinations. Unique results. It’s a new way.
The Drift components are available individually to incorporate into existing Opencase systems, or they can be purchased as part of a new one. On view in our new Los Angeles showroom and, soon, in our Crosby Street studio in New York, Drift is another chapter in the evolution of Opencase that gives you intelligent - and flexible - luxury in the kitchen, pantry, and other rooms where you really live.